Business of the Month

Last updated
July 23, 2024


Secure Records Solutions is proud to be chosen as Business of the Month by the Thomasville Thomas County Chamber of Commerce!

A few highlights from our Business of the Month interview with the Chamber…

C: How long has SRS been in business in Thomasville?

SRS: 14 years

C: What do you believe is the main factor behind its success over the years?

SRS: The primary reason for our success has been our commitment to identifying and solving problems our clients have, instead of focusing on selling a commodity to them. The spirit of our scanning, shredding, and storage services is improving compliance and efficiency for organizations that deal with a lot of data. The big problems we’ve solved over the years – legal discovery issues, non-compliance with government record keeping laws, failed Electronic Medical Record software conversions – have grown client relationships from a single, local account to accounts with hundreds of operations that span 48 states. No one approaches records related problems the way we do – and when we have the opportunity to bail a company out of a tough situation, they reward us by making us their records custodian nationwide.

C: What do you love most about the line of work you are in and the services you offer to the community?

SRS: We believe in getting to the root of a problem and saving organizations money by showing them how to create and manage their information more efficiently. Our clients often say that they’ve “gone digital” before we start working together, only to find that their version of “going digital” has led to spending twice what they used to by scanning things, printing them, then scanning them again. Decision makers authorize the purchase of software and a scanner, then tell their folks to start scanning stuff. Without a good strategy, that gets really expensive, and it doesn’t solve their problem – it converts a physical problem into a digital one. When we draw their workflow out for them and show them how to save tens of thousands of dollars a year in recurring cost, they get it.

C: Do you have any comments you would like to make regarding your relationship with the Chamber over the years?

SRS: We love being a part of the Chamber because it represents the folks who believed in us as our business launched, and who continue to rely on us for our information management expertise. We are proud members of a Chamber of Commerce that reflects the spirit of entrepreneurship and community support that has made Thomasville a great place to live, work and play.

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Do you have a document management challenge that's been keeping you up at night? Whether it's a specific issue or a broader concern, our team loves a good challenge and we’re eager to hear from you.
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