Reasons SRS Does Business With Other Local Businesses

Last updated
July 23, 2024

Secure Records Solutions is a local, family-owned and operated business here in Southwest Georgia. We strive to work with similar business partners because we know the positive impact it has on the economy of Southwestern Georgia. There are familiar faces in chamber meetings, at Rotary clubs, and supporting charities that work in your own backyards.

In particular, there are three main reasons we like to go local:

  • The Local Multiplier Effect

In his 1936 book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, famed economist John Maynard Keynes first coined the term “Local Multiplier Effect.” The term refers to how many times dollars are recirculated within a local economy before leaving through the purchase of an import. Researchers have done many studies that show doing business local means more money stays in the community. A Forbes article stated $68 out of every $100 spent with a local business stays in the community. That’s almost double the amount if spending money with a nationally-owned business.

  • Decision Making Matters

When a business is sold to a national company or private equity group, not only do the dollars leave the community, but so do the decisions. While the owner typically stays on for a period of time, he or she has no power to stop price increases or the implementation of rigid contract language. Instead, that power has gone to a person(s) whose only focus is on profits and rewarding their shareholders. 

  • We want to see Southwest Georgia succeed

When people think “Georgia,” they automatically think “Atlanta.” It’s no secret that Atlanta is a major factor in Georgia’s economy, but people and companies tend to ignore the amazing business opportunities right here in our own backyard. Many national and international businesses live and quietly thrive in Southwest Georgia, bringing jobs, prestige, and, ultimately, growth to the region.

As a business born and bred here in Thomasville, GA we are proud of our contributions to our region’s growth. We want to see Southwest Georgia continue to grow. Below, our Chief Problem Solver Christopher Jones discusses these themes with Georgia CEO.



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