Amber Bryant Img
Questions & Answers

What problem do you solve?

I work directly with clients, helping them with whatever they need. I handle all scan on demand requests, typically getting clients the file they need in 30 minutes or less. I also oversee scanning projects and ensure quality control. Scanning is one of the most time-consuming jobs. It takes a lot of preparation and attention to detail, and I ensure clients have the best quality.

Who were your heroes growing up and how did they influence your life and career?

My grandmother and my mom. My grandmother was a schoolteacher for 40+ years, and I really look up to her for everything in my life. She would stay after school sometimes until 9pm, go to students’ homes and offer any additional assistance to make sure they were staying ahead. She was devoted to her job and helping people, and I think I inherited that quality from her. My mother has always been a very hard worker who made sure that we always had everything we needed. My dependability and motivation to get the job done right comes from her.

Where are you likely to be found when not working?

In addition to being a full-time worker, I am a full-time mother of four, ranging from seven to four months! Four different personalities among the four sweet kids keeps me very busy!

What are the big issues that SRS and companies like it need to solve to truly benefit the parties they served?

Organization and ease of access to their information. That’s where we come in! We index it and let clients decide what they need to keep, scan or destroy.

Amber Bryant

Client Services Coordinator

Amber’s passion for helping others makes her an ideal fit for our Client Services Coordinator role. She is responsible for billing and accounts receivable. Amber began her career at SRS, managing scan-on-demand services and ensuring quality control. With thousands of client interactions and meticulous attention to detail, she excels in her position. In 2020, Amber received the inaugural “Secure Records Spirit” award, recognizing the employee who best embodies our four core values.