How Offsite Storage Protects Records During Hurricane Season

Document Management
Last updated
July 23, 2024

Hurricane season goes from June 1- November 30, and with over two months to go, we’re already in the “T’s” in terms of storms formed. Last week, Sally made landfall causing “four months of rain in four hours” in Pensacola Florida, according to CBS This Morning. And winds ripped off roofs and sides of buildings. One viral video showed an alligator swimming by businesses. Now imagine if your business’s secure records were floating along beside those alligators… It’s not a pleasant thought!

If your business produces a lot of records that need to be kept secure, it could be a smart business decision to consider offsite storage. All offsite storage is not created equally, and there are some inherent benefits in choosing a secure records company instead of a self-storage solution.

Superior Structure

While no business can prevent a natural disaster, there are certain precautions to take to help keep records safe no matter what. Secure Records Solutions has a weather-enforced roof and other superior building structures to help withstand harsh weather.

Security Accreditations

SRS has 24/7 video monitoring, badge-only access, and a host of other security measures in place to keep our clients’ records safe and secure. In fact, SRS’s storage services have the Prism Privacy + Certification, the industry’s highest accreditation for secure storage of sensitive information. To obtain this certification, SRS had to pass a stringent audit that reviewed 10 different areas of the business, including organization and management control, information security policy, human resources, vendor management, environmental controls, physical access controls, logical access controls, electronic access, and network security. This third-party verification enables clients to fulfill their regulatory requirement of due diligence for the safety and storage of sensitive information. SRS is the only independent records management facility to maintain both the Privacy + and NAID AAA certifications within a 200-mile radius of our Thomasville, GA headquarters.

Chain of Custody

From the moment SRS takes control of a record, we can pinpoint its exact location. Our state-of-the-art barcoding and indexing system allow us to track a record from the truck to the staging area to the warehouse. Contrast that with a disorganized storage unit where records are pilled up and constantly reshuffled as more boxes get added.

Quick & Easy Access to Records

Even if a self-storage unit is located near your business office, that does not mean that your records can be accessed quickly or easily. Imagine having to spend the day searching through hundreds of boxes to find a single record in an un-airconditioned self-storage unit in the middle of July. Even if Secure Records Solutions is hundreds of miles from your office, with our scan-on-demand solution, we can get your record to you digitally, typically within 30 minutes or less!

Secure Destruction as Records Meet Retention

Unlike a self-storage unit where records are static and accumulate over time, SRS engages in active storage and document management solutions, meaning we provide clients with a list of records available for destruction every month. By destroying destroy inventory as it meets retention, we actually lower clients’ storage costs over time.

Simply put, even though self-storage may seem like the most cost-effective solution, it is not the most secure or the most efficient solution. Don’t wait until the next hurricane forms to evaluate your records’ storage solutions. Contact Secure Records Solutions today to learn how we can help your business.


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